Video Projects
From the beginning, video has been our medium of choice, not only to record the histories of the individual WASP, but to share the history online --available to anyone in the world 24-7. In the early days of the Internet, the shorter projects were best, because of download challenges.
Today, Wings is hard at work developing new and exciting ways to inspire our visitors. That sparkle you see in the eyes of the WASP? It is contagious!
Video introduction of the Flygirl WWII App. Interview footage shot by Atherton Pictures and used with permission: National WWII Museum and The American Music Company, Inc. This short video is produced by Nancy Parrish for the app, which is a free download in the apple app store.
From the archives of Wings Across America's digital WASP interviews, Soundbytes of the WASP is filled with inspirational words straight from the WASP, first women in history to fly America's military aircraft. THEY ALL SPARKLE on camera. This uplifting video is available for free download from several sites online.
"Short History of the WASP" -- first video produced by Wings Across America to showcase the WASP history in a short format film, produced and distributed free of charge. This newest version features clips from the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in 2010.