WASP Wings graphic

In Memoriam

Above & Beyond          Final Tribute          Celestial Flight          Remember

While we were standing at attention a bomber took off followed, by four fighters.  We knew the bomber was headed across the ocean and that the fighters were going to escort it part of the way.  As they circled over us, I could hardly see them for the tears in my eyes.  It was striking symbolism and I think all of us felt it.  As long as our planes fly overhead the skies of America are free and that’s what all of us everywhere are fighting for.  And that we, in a very small way, are being allowed to help keep that sky free is the most beautiful thing I have ever known.


I, for one, am profoundly grateful that my one talent, my only knowledge, flying, happens to be of use to my country when it is needed.  That’s all the luck I ever hope to have.


 Cornelia Fort, WAFS

 (First woman pilot to die while flying for America.)

Nancy Parrish, Executive Director & Site Creator

254-307-2717  |   fax  866-275-4064

Wings Across America  |  1620 South Ninth Street  Waco, Texas 76710


Wings Across America is a non profit, 501 c3  project at Baylor University